XIANGLE TOOL нь Хятадын шинэ жилийн амралтаас өмнө Австрали дахь VIP үйлчлүүлэгчдэдээ цаг тухайд нь хүргэхийн тулд үйлдвэрлэлээ хурдасгаж байна.
2023/12/13Today we are happy to announce that we are shipping to VIP customers in Australia as scheduled. Since the Chinese New Year is approaching, most companies have gone on vacation. In order not to delay customer delivery, we decided to speed up the pr...
Xiangle Tools нь 2024 оны хаврын баяраас өмнө эвхэгддэг оосорыг олноор үйлдвэрлэх болно.
2023/12/08XIANGLE Tool is proud to announce today that our latest innovation is now available for sale: the 1-inch retractable ratchet strap. Due to the Spring Festival holiday, pre-orders for the products are currently accepted and normal shipments will be...
Xiangle Tool компани: Аюулгүй байдлын тусгай шийдлүүдэд зориулж захиалгат ачааны тор урлаж байна
2023/11/09Cargo net is one of the main products produced by Xiangle Tool Company. The company can customize the cargo network according to customer needs and provide efficient security solutions for the entire process of design, testing, production, transpo...